
Xinhao, We are trying to make sure that we take responsible action to the environment, staff and community, We believe these concept of values will make Xinhao become a better global citizens and excellent performance of company. We divided the corporate social responsibility into three major cornerstones—Staffs , Work environment, Community care ,make up innovative and proactive solutions, continuous improve our responsibilities and performance of a corporate citizenship .

Xinhao Staffs

Xinhao is committed to ensure that a safe workplace is provided to employees. They get respect for equal treatment. We have invested a lot of resources to make our employees live better, including personal growth training, education and promotion of the women's work rights and interests, recruitment of employees with physical disabilities. Provide a opened communication environment between the staff and management. We encourage employees to create a working environment that is respectful and harmonious.

Ecological Environment

XinHao promotes the environmental awareness of the Manufacturing industry .We strive to make our manufacturing facilities and environment in line with corporate citizenship responsibilities. We use environmental protection system to eliminate wastewater and waste gas emissions and maximize efficiency and productivity at the same time. Reduce energy consumption in manufacturing, reduce costs and improve productivity and safety. Xinhao will embrace this challenge and willing to be a leader in environmental responsibility.

Community Care

XinHao employees in different factory are dedicate to our community. We help people around the community to overcome the challenges. To improve the environment of the nursing home and actively to employ disabled employees through voluntary activities. Encourage and support staffs to care for the community. This including, XinHao voluntary activities, School cooperation plan, Charity and community programs.